Hello World!

Me and my horses, Pepsi and Mercedes!

Me and my horses, Pepsi and Mercedes!

I’ve known three things my whole life…

  1. I wanted to be a wife.
  2. I wanted to be a mother.
  3. I wanted to be surrounded by nature (especially animals).

Amazingly enough, I now have these things and so much more. Pinch me, I’m dreaming. Don’t really pinch me, I seriously have a crazy irrational fear about being pinched.

How did I get to where I am today? Simply put, by the will of God. I’m no stranger to hard work and sacrifice but am truly blessed by God to the deep depths of my being.

To know me is to know a Christian wife, homeschooling mom, Air Force veteran, stroke survivor, hobby farmer, animal enthusiast, dog trainer, wood chopper, homesteader, and lover of all things culinary.

Impulsive to the core and easily distracted, I’m always up for a challenge… Hmmmm sounds like I’m applying for the A-Team. Buckle up, helmets and flak vests on and join me on this roller coaster adventure we call life. Freely share your own adventures, tips, tricks, ideas, and questions, I love hearing what others are thinking (probably because so many times it makes me feel way more normal!)


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