Rainy Morning Ramblings…

Ever have one of those mornings where all you want to do is sit? I look around and see the kitchen table scattered with books, Wal Mart bags of groceries still needing to put away (hey, props for getting the cold stuff in the fridge right away), various soaps to smell and wrap for sale, papers galore (mostly soap recipes and “to do” lists that never got checked off because a newer better list was made when they got lost), and various cups and bowls (why we can’t each use our own same cup for the whole day traces its roots back to germaphobe tendencies).

But…the windows are all wide open and the rain is steadily falling and creating a rhythmic song that dulls my sense of sight and heightens my sense of hearing.

Rainiy morning view from our kitchen table...

Rainiy morning view from our kitchen table…

Disengaging my eyes, my ears take over and set my head against a lose fist with elbow propped up on one small open spot on the table I cleared just seconds ago.

Notebook and pen…check.

Cup of coffee…check

Engage coffee break… check! What am I taking a break from you ask? I don’t know… it was tough coming down those bedroom stairs and I gave the dog a bone. That totally deserves a break.

Axel bellows a few deep man dog barks (he’s only 6 months old, how can he do that?) to break me out of my rain induced trance to which I respond, “Axel stop it.” I don’t even know what he’s barking at because I don’t want to get up (go go gadget lazy legs). It’s probably the cat. The cat who was supposed to head outside last week to join the Mouse patrol but was given extra time in the house due to stormy weather and the thought that she may get too scared. Ummmm… the storms haven’t let up in 5 days! Is this cat controlling the weather?

Bah, I’m out of coffee… that does require one to get up and do something… get another cup… I’ll be right back.

I’m back… Epic doggy mommy fail. Axel was calmly sitting by the door waiting to go out. Now I feel bad that I told him to be quiet as he was doing just what we had trained him to do when he has to go potty. See, even professional dog trainers fail on occasion. Luckily he can hold it longer than 5 seconds nowadays and I was instantly forgiven with a pat on the head and opening of the door. He saw it was raining, looked at me, looked back at rain and was quite surprised when I shoved his big butt out the door. Quickest potty ever and he was back in.

I like to make lists so I begin another “to do” list when I sit back down… ugh all that moving was exhausting on a morning such as this… rain do you somehow steal every ounce of energy I stored up over the night? I don’t care, I’m good with that (perhaps that is the lack of energy talking?). Boys are still sleeping (in the living room… who knows how late they stayed up as they are both in really good books right now which they refuse to put down). Our youngest is reading a book full of Minecraft stories and our oldest  is launched into another World of Warcraft novel. They crashed in the living room last night so I get to watch a sweet Axel lay and “guard” them while they sleep… cute.

Axel chillin' with the boys while they sleep

Axel chillin’ with the boys while they sleep

My “to do” list is done and just for fun I put a few things on there that I did yesterday so I can have a few things already checked off…it gets some momentum started (no, it’s not cheating… ok yes it is, I don’t care, the rain made me do it.)

Next up, I have to brave the weather and head out to tend to the animals. The goats are probably happily munching hay in the barn, horses are probably standing in the middle of the rain because they refuse to go into the barn during inclement weather, dogs are in the entryway because we think they don’t like to be wet (unless they are swimming), cats are all hiding for the same reason, I bet rabbits are doing what rabbits do (eat, drink and poop) and the chickens are probably waiting to be let out to pick through the treasures they find in the woods. Ooh, we have a new member of the farm! We started our guinea pig colony yesterday with a beautiful white long haired female guinea pig named Zelda! She’s super shy but sweet as can be and loves garden fresh lettuce!

Have a great day folks and thanks for reading my rainy day morning ramblings.


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